Learning to hover the remote control helicopter entails all the same motor skills and mastery of flight that you will be required to have if you are to fly a full size helicopter with an FAA pilot certificate. Flight training with the Heli-Chair is very effective and has been proven to teach students how to fly the real thing! You can impress your flight instructor at the local flight school by going for your first flight and hovering, when most people take hours and hours to master that skill. Spend your expensive flight time and hourly costs of training on something besides learning how to move your hands and feet. Learn the basics of hovering, forward flight, pedal turns and more using this unique flight training device.
Purchasing and operating the Heli-Chair is relatively simple and inexpensive in comparison with full size helicopters. Please explore our website and contact us if you have further questions about how the Heli-Chair can teach you how to fly, or just plain how to have fun!