Our 2-day "walk away hovering" class is engineered to get you flying faster. Contact us for more information. For a little better understanding of what goes on in the two day class, check out the curriculum below.

day 1, 8am - 12 [3 hrs. heli-chair time]:
try to log 2.5 to 3 hours of heli-chair time doing simple pedal turns and learning the combination of throttle and pedal only. NO collective and NO cyclic (unless you're a natural!). in between and obviously before any flight time, learn some of the basics of how a helicopter works and flys.

day 1, 1pm - 5pm [3 hrs. heli-chair time]:
now work into learning how the collective works, both in theory and in practice. spend most of your flight time (3 hours total on the heli-chair) learning how to manipulate first the collective only, then collective and throttle to get the helicopter into a hover. the instructor will be doing the pedals, cyclic and throttle at first, then allowing you control of the throttle. near the end of the day, you should be coordinating all three controls: collective, throttle and pedals...but NO cyclic yet.

day 1, evening [1-2 hrs flight sim time]:
eat some food, relax and discuss aviation. get your mind off of flying for a bit.

day 2, 8am - 12 [3.5 hrs heli-chair time]:
discuss yesterday's learning, mistakes and triumphs and go straight into heli-chair flying the collective/throttle/pedals combination with your instructor flying the cyclic. the instructor may expand the flight envelope to include higher hovers, liftoffs and touchdowns, etc. spend about 1.5 hours on this skill and then begin learning about the cyclic. spend about 1 hour learning cyclic inputs while your instructor does the rest of the controls. this is best done on a smooth surface where the helicopter can "skate" around some. next, spend about an hour trying all controls and lifting the helicopter into a hover 1" off the grond. this will be the most frustrating part of the learning process.

day 2, 1pm - 4pm [2.5 hrs heli-chair time]:
focus entirely on cyclic control inputs either alone or by doing all controls at once. ideally, you will get the helicopter into a 1 foot hover and hold it for 20 to 30 seconds. attempt to log 2.5 hours heli-chair time in this period.

day 3, 8am - 12: [1.0 hrs R22 flight time]:
setup a flight in an R22 at a local flight school. spend 45min talking to the instructor about realistic expectations of hours to solo, hours to get your rating, eventual costs and so forth. do whatever preflight action the school normally does and then fly the helicopter for 0.5 to 1.0 hours. you're not going to need more than a half hour to know if you love or hate the idea of a helicopter rating. my first, and only, flight in an R22 was 0.4 hours hobbs time and it's all i needed.