Model helicopter discussion forums and info Another helicopter forum, nice people! Popular helicopter forum, lots of advice if you search for it. Not just a forum, but a magazine as well, check this one out for sure. Heli-Chair goes international. Proof that the internet goes worldwide. A helicopter forum to take a look at! Very informative for those embarking on the remote controlled helicopter hobby
rec.models.rc.helicopter Virtually unlimited topic pool, you can find just about any time of helicopter related post here and unfortunately some that aren't quite helicopter related. 'usenet' discussion groups can be mined for information using Google's Groups.
Curtis Youngblood This fellow is considered one of the greats in the RC helicopter world.
Full size helicopters and becoming a licensed pilot When your hobby grows into the real thing, the FAA is the licensing agency for pilots. A site dedicated to helicopter training. A popular website featuring much information about general and commercial aviation. Tons of links on the web page
rec.aviation.rotorcraft This is a great discussion forum in the usenet groups with unlimited discussion topics
experimental helicopter A relatively new publication dedicated to the experimental helicopter community. Experimental helicopters are typically built from a kit and licensed by the FAA with a few restrictions.
central sierra helicopter meet This is a gathering at Nancy and Hap Miller's ranch, just east of Pine Mountain Lake Airport (E45, used to be Q68). E45 is just a few miles from Groveland, of Yosemite National Park's three main portals. The gathering is focused on experimental helicopters no matter what stage of construction. There will be Rotorway, Safari/Baby Belle, Helicycle, Mosquito and more.
American Helicopters Helicopter flight training in Fresno, California. Located at Fresno Chandler airport specializing in R22 instruction.
Vendors of equipment, helicopters and other stuff
HeliWalker, a new type of training gear to help you learn to fly. Home of the MD500 (formerly Hughes 500) and other very awesome helicopters
Innovator Tech Mosquito An ultralight helicopter affordable enough to get you into the world of helicopters. A huge supplier of remote controlled aircraft, cars, boats, parts, engines, etc. Very nice helicopter manufacturer. Kyosho makes tons and tons of remote controlled models, they have been around for a long time. Industrial controls company, manufactures the popular remote control units. Check out for their hobby site.
Ace Helicopter These folks are based in Canada (Canadian Home Rotors, Inc.). They are the makers of a popular kit-built helicopter called the Safari and formerly known as the Baby Belle because of its likeness to the Bell 47...the "MASH" helicopter.
Robinson Well known for their R-22 and R-44 helicopters, this company has helicopters operating world wide.
I-O Display Systems They make many types of head mounted displays for a variety of applications. You know them as the "I-Glasses" people.
Hobby Pit Online parts vendor
XenonProject, An online vendor of RC Helicopters and other gear
Other interesting information
The Dreamflyer Simulator Doc seems to have had himself a really good time designing and building his simulator setup. Primarily focused on fixed wing flight simulation on a PC, Doc found himself the target of a Discover Channel segment called Daily Planet. There was a lot of buzz about this setup in around 2006.
Ed Henry Fly Seat Ed henry created the "Fly Seat" a long time ago. It is a similar but much less refined version of the Heli-Chair. It is interesting to read about this fellow because he played a big role in model aviaion and the AMA (american modelers association) over the years. Please note that we are not the authors of this biography. You can read more at The AMA is properly referred to as the "Academy of Model Aeronautics." Often called the "American Modeler Association" or "American Modelers Association"
AirCrafters LLC These people can help you build your experimental helicopter, or your experimental airplane. They are very sensitive to the FAA "major portion rule" (the 51% rule).
EAA Experimental Aircraft Association. The EAA has tons of resources for homebuilders. If you are thinking about building your own airplane or helicopter, this is a definate required stop on your websurf list.
And more links...Aviaiton web portals and internet engines
Landings An internet starting place for all things aviation.
Aeroseek Another internet portal for aviation, great place to search. The open directory project is yet another web engine
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if you are interested in birds, the species aves...Aves 101, bird species enthusiast site
check out a relic from the past, Sherpa Unlimited
this is my non-helicopter project, 1973 Jeepster Commando
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need to repair gel coat? check out gel-coat-repair
and one last link, prove you love what you do, Like You Live!